Video Sharing
More than just embeds. Video sharing built for business.

Share by email
Invite viewers into your private Eyedea Worx environment by email.
Share by link
Share a link with people and give them access to your videos.
Control access
Allow viewers to download and share your content. Even let them upload content back to you.
Add video to your website, wiki, or blog with a simple copy & paste.
Email campaign
Embed video into your email campaigns and track exactly who's watching.
Tracking & Analytics
Simply the best video analytics.

Viewer Engagement
Discover what interests your audience and what leaves them confused.
Video Heatmaps
Eyedea Worx video heatmaps give you a visual spectrum of how each individual watches your video.
See an interactive demo.
Audit Trails
Eyedea Worx provides a complete history of every user's actions within your account.
Email alerts
Receive realtime notifications of activity within your account.
Media Management
Powerful tools for working with your content.

Universal search
Instantly jump to any media, project, or contact.
Batch uploading
Queue-up multiple uploads with Eyedea Worx seamless web uploader.
Manage your content library with Eyedea Worx powerful project-based system. Arrange media with drag & drop simplicity.
Upload anything
You need to share more than just your videos. You need everything that
goes along with them—PowerPoints, Word documents, PDFs, and images.
Upload anything.
Contact Management
Work with 10 people or 10,000. No problem.

All of your users can work independently within your company's account, each with their own set of media, contacts, and statistics. Think of it like email—each user has their own inbox.
Contact groups
Groups are a powerful way to organize your contacts and manage sharing and permissions. Groups make it easy to create role-based access control.
Track individuals
When you invite viewers to your Eyedea Worx account, you can track their individual activity. Get emails alerts when Bob downloads your whitepaper. Verify that Sally completed her video training.
And even more

Video SEO
Learn more about Video SEO.

Video playlists
Experience Eyedea Worx playlists.

Your branding