Transferring cassette tapes and records to a CD, mp3 or a hard drive for your long-term preservation has never been easier. In fact, Eyedea Worx can help migrate those formats quickly, professionally and economically to the digital domain.
10,000 tapes or one tape, we are equipped to handle projects of any size and offer competitive rates.
Advantages of CD over cassette
- Sound quality never decreases
- Easy to use
- Never need to rewind
- Improved sound performance
- Easy to store
- CDs last for years
We are the industry leader in hassle-free audio digitization. It depends on where you want to play them.
CD's are exactly what you think. They will play in computers, cars and stereos.
MP3's, on the other hand, are computer files that will only play in computers and MP3 players like iPods. They come on a data DVD that's all ready for dragging directly into iTunes.
The MP3's from records come with their artist, album and tracks titles pre-entered, while those from cassettes come with their artist and album information only.
You can choose between high-fidelity stereo (192 kbit/sec) and high-density mono (48 kbit/sec) formats. The mono format is strictly for lectures, sermons and books on tape. It's nice because the files are 75 percent smaller than stereo files so you can cram four times as many hours into an iPod. For everything else, though, go with stereo.
If you choose CD's instead of MP3's then there's nothing stopping you from importing them into iTunes yourself. No problem. The only caveat will be that you'll have to type in the artist, album and track information by hand.
All prices include a number of features that cost extra elsewhere:
- Artist and album computer-printed on each disk.
- For records: Thorough cleaning before digitization.
- Guaranteed Track Splitting.
- Volume maximization for quiet recordings.
- The very best Taiyo Yuden disc media.
- Durable poly-plastic jewel cases.
- Our 30-day temporary digital archive in case you need more copies later.
Please download our PDF Pricing Guide below for an easy reference to our tapes and records to digital media service.

If you would like any further assistance or additional information regarding our Pricing Guide, please call 800.973.9383 or email